Discipline for Life: Getting it Right with Children

DVD Series - Discipline for Life: Getting it Right with Children

Description: 4 DVD set + 45 page Guidebook

$84.95 retail + S&H 

TWC 13.5 credit hours for caregivers

To purchase, call: 1-817-488-4664
or order here online:

DVD Series - Discipline for Life: Getting it Right with Children

These workshops give you a front row seat to Madelyn as she teaches educators and parents how to discipline and build self-esteem. They focus on investment discipline which not only improves behavior right now, but also teaches lifelong lessons which will help our children succeed through school and into adulthood. Although theses issues are very serious, she can captivate an audience with clarity and humor which make listening easy.

As one participant commented: "The conviction with which Madelyn presents this material is contagious. This workshop should be done before Congress!"

DVD 1: Gaining Cooperation Without Losing Your Mind

  • Avoid power struggles and barriers to cooperation
  • Add respect to everyone's language
  • Be effective without getting ugly

DVD 2: Don't Start What You Can't Finish

  • Discipline: What works and what does not!
  • Teaching responsibility and self-discipline
  • No more: "Don't blame me!" or "What will I get?" or "Who's going to make me?"

DVD 3: The Best Place to Be: Building Self-Esteem

  • Building confidence, courage, and positiveness
  • Build trust, credibility, and communication
  • Praise - can it be dangerous? Changes and improvements

DVD 4: Developing Character & Bringing Back Integrity

  • Conflicting and damaging messages we send children
  • Act right, feel right; Act wrong, feel wrong
  • Accountability and self-esteem - inextricably linked

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