Childright seminars and keynote programs offer new insights into the daily business of living and working with others, especially children. All are custom designed for each audience.

Keynote workshop topics include:

The Crisis in Character

What kind of adults will our children become? What I have often struggled with is my desire to have helped the children in my life to become good people. I want children to be people who know what doing the right thing means, who have the strength of their convictions, who have convictions, and the personal integrity and wherewithal to act upon those convictions. I want children to have character and integrity. We have a direct impact on the future of our children and our society. Learn to grow children of character and conscience.

Bringing Back Integrity: Theirs and Ours

Integrity is the elusive ability to practice what we believe. Important to all of us, yes, but too often lost in our dealings with children. Rethink your own actions and beliefs and rediscover your own integrity. What is the difference between a reward and a bribe? Are all children special? Do we ever want our children to experience emotional hardship and pain? Do your own actions follow the Golden Rule, the Law of the Harvest, your own integrity? Be comfortable and confident in your dealings with children.

Accountability, Connection & Integrity: The Links to True Discipline, Character Development & Self-esteem

Accountability is the glue that binds discipline, character and self-esteem. No more “dumbing down” discipline, no more “don’t blame me,” no more backing away from feeling wrong when we do wrong. Connection: the glue that binds us to the children. Children behave differently when they feel connected to you and to the other children. Integrity: the glue that binds it all and sets us on the right path with children. It is time to get it right!

Discipline: Challenging Children, Challenging Times

Dealing with children is not easy and more and more children seem to need more and more from us. Let’s take a quick look at how we discipline our children affects their behavior not only now but in the future. Discipline’s root word means teach. When children misbehave, it is our job to teach them what they need to know: skills, life lessons, and guiding principles.

I Touch the Future, I Teach

The Fine Art of Frogkissing

Navigating the Tunnels of Life


Madelyn Swift knows that her issues are very serious but can captivate an audience with clarity and humor that make listening easy. She is a veteran at handling off-the-cuff questions while being quick-witted and articulate. She has the ability to connect with her audience and to effortlessly draw them in and meet their needs as they arise.

For additional information, please email us or contact us at 817-488-4664.
References and fee schedules available upon request.


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