***FOR ALL ORDERS please email:***


Discipline for Life: Getting it Right with Children
© 1995, 1998, 1999 and 2003
285 pages, hardcover
Website cost: $24.95 + S&H
TWC: 13.5 credit hours for caregivers

Getting it Right with Teens: The Parent's Manual for Surviving Your Teenage Children
© 2000, 2006
131 pages, hardcover
Website cost: $21.95 + S&H

Teach Your Children Well: A Parent's Guide to Encouraging Character and Integrity
© 2001, 2004
159 pages, hardcover
Website cost: $21.95 + S&H

Director/Supervisor Authorized Self-Study Program Set
© 2006
Director Certified Self-Study Instructions Facilitator Guide
4-DVD Set, 4-CD Set, Self Study Guide Program
Website cost: $175.00 + S&H


Discipline for Life: Getting it Right with Children
© 2004
Parent & Educator additional Guidebook
Website cost: $15.00 + S&H



Discipline for Life: Getting it Right with Children
© 2004
Parent & Educator DVD Series
4-DVD Set + Guidebook
Website cost: $84.95 + S&H



Discipline for Life: Getting it Right with Children
© 2004
Parent & Educator CD Series
4-CD Set + Guidebook
Website cost: $84.95 + S&H


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